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DSM offers three very affordable construction series, the Cottage Range for a stunning country appeal and the Executive and fair-face Range for a modern contemporary effect, as demonstrated bellow, the Cottage Sandstone Range is chiseled giving each stone a unique cottage stone look, the Executive Sandstone Range is a straight split giving each stone a unique modern look and our fair faced range offers a smooth classic finnish.

Cottage Exec  


New Products


390x190x140 DSM Breeze Block (Grill Block, Vent Block)
190x190x190 DSM Breeze Block (Grill Block, Vent Block)

222 x 106 X 73 Bricks

Split Aggregate (Watson ,Crete Bricks & Blocks) Available in 100, 150, 200 Series Split Aggregate 222 x 106 X 73 Bricks. 70 Crete
Sill Block, Hollow and Solid 190 X 190 X 190


Breeze Block (Grill Block, Vent Block) 390x190x140 Breeze Block (Grill Block, Vent Block) 190 190 190
For Projects requiring an internationally recognized fire resistant levels (FRL's) of over two hours. M200 Series.


Fair-faced Range

Stunning, no plastering or painting required.
contemporary 1

Cottage Range

A beautiful stone that takes us back to the farm and good old country living.


Executive Range

Streight Split


DSM: M150 Unbeatable Value for Money


Cost Study Comparing Competing Products.

DSM have recently introduced a new 150 series to the market. Benefits to the contractor and the client using this product are as follows.
            1. Facial preparation is done at our factory no need for costly plastering and on going painting costs.


    1. Our products are sealed with the latest innovative per-sealing technology. This technology prevents water absorption , and hence no efflorescence , mould or mildew staining on the face of the product. The nanotechnology is incorporated during manufacture of DSM products and becomes an integral part of the products for the lifetime of the structure. No costly, hazardous painting during construction or in the future will be required, saving costs and the environment from harmful toxic paints and detergents.


    1. Standard brick work requires 110 bricks P/M2, DSM blocks only 12.5 P/M2 construction times are dramatically reduced.


    1. DSM products have an active finish allowing the contractor to offer the client an amazing structure at a very affordable price.
In brief, a wall constructed single skin,no plastering and painting, one operation. We did a comparative cost comparison, analyzing materials available in the Gauteng market. We allowing for plaster and painting on the internal walls, this is not necessary however as our products have an tractive smooth finish.



Sentinel Retainer


Undoubtedly the best looking retainer wall in Africa.
The SENTINEL® retaining system is without a doubt the best looking retainer system on the market. Our SENTINEL® retainer is the perfect option for the home owner to under take a DIY project, as no cement is required. Just level and pack refer to our technical page for more information. Although all retaining walls higher than 1,2 m should be left to Engineer's to design and supervise. With the DSM retainer system, an almost vertical wall of up to 6 meters is obtainable.







DSM: Green, Beautiful and Cost Saving All In One.

Green Design

The design of our products, services, buildings, or experiences that are sensitive to environmental issues and achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in terms of energy and materials. A common metric for green buildings is the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification.

Green Building

A comprehensive process of design and construction that employs techniques to minimize adverse environmental impacts and reduce the energy consumption of a building, while contributing to the health and productivity of its occupants.

Concrete masonry is global a popular building product that conforms and with the correct design and choice of supplier exceeds the minimum international standards. .

From raw material production to demolition, concrete is a friend of the environment in all stages of its life span. Concrete masonry builds durable, long-lasting structures that will not rust, rot, or burn. Concrete building products can be more than double or triple the life of other common building materials, making it a natural choice for sustainable home construction.

Energy efficiency

Concrete masonry thermal mass allows it to store energy; meaning it stays warmer in the winters and cooler in the summer. This helps to save on utility bills, thus green house emissions by approximately 30%.

Resource efficiency

Limestone, the most abundant mineral on earth, is the predominant raw material for the cement in concrete. Concrete can also be made with a variety of waste by-products from power plants, steel mills, and other manufacturing facilities.

Minimal waste

To reduce waste, concrete block is produced in the quantities needed for each project and can be recycled.

Weather resistance

Concrete provides strength and durability to withstand volatile weather including hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods.


Concrete masonry structures are designed to exceed the required strength for the design strength load.

Pest resistance

Concrete does not provide a feeding ground for pests and termites and it is less likely that termites, ants and rodents will invade your home.

Materials and Resources

DSM Concrete masonry and concrete landscape products.

• Made from abundant local raw materials

• Manufactured close to construction sites, minimizing fuel requirements for handling and transportation.

• Able to be produced using recycled aggregates and cementites materials


Additional benefits of DSM products

Latest in per-sealing technology. 

DSM have incorporate the latest innovative per-sealing technology to our products. This technology prevents water absorption , and hence no efflorescence , mold or mildew staining on the face of the product. The nanotechnology is incorporated during manufacture of DSM products and becomes an integral part of the DSM products for the lifetime of the product. No hazardous painting during construction or in the future will be required, saving the environment from harm full toxic paints and detergents.

Energy efficiency.

Energy requirements for transportation of DSM concrete are low usually within 100 kilometers of the job site. Similarly, relatively little energy is used in producing and combining the raw materials. The overall embodied energy of concrete is therefore lower than for most structural materials other than wood.

Once in place, concrete offers significant energy efficiency over the lifetime of a building. Air leakage accounts for a large percentage of energy loss from a home. The thermal mass properties of concrete increase the efficiency of both residential and commercial buildings. By storing and releasing the energy needed for heating or cooling, concrete's thermal mass delivers year-round benefits by reducing temperature swings inside and minimizing heating and cooling costs. While insulation reduces energy loss through the building envelope, thermal mass uses walls to store and release energy.

Modern concrete wall systems use both external insulation and thermal mass to create an energy-efficient building. Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are hollow blocks.

Fly ash.

As with all DSM materials, DSM blocks are formulated using high volumes of fly ash, a recycled resource that is in abundant supply as a recycled by-product from coal power plants.




Our technology and manufacturing process is unique to Africa, and with our raw materials and state of the art colour blending equipment, we have achieved an authentic looking sand stone product unsurpassed by any of our competitors.

2013 DSM-SA (Designed and maintained by Andrew. Beck) DSM-SA